Relief Web
Country: Cameroon
Organization: World Bank
Closing date: 24 Feb 2025
-Fluency in French and English as well as advanced GIS skills required-
- ICT for Operational Effectiveness in FCV contexts and the GEMS Initiative
Background on GEMS: The Geo-Enabling initiative for Monitoring and Supervision (GEMS) enables project teams to use open-source tools for in-field collection of structured digital data that automatically feeds into a centralized M&E system. The integrated data can include any kind of indicators, based on tailor-made forms; photos, audio, videos; time and date stamps; and GPS coordinates that allow for automated geo-mapping of the information. Using these tools systematically allows operations to enhance the transparency and accuracy of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and increase the accountability of third-party monitoring (TPM). Moreover, the GEMS method provides WBG Global Practices (GP)s and Country Management Units (CMU)s with a platform for remote supervision, real-time safeguards monitoring, and portfolio mapping for coordination across projects and partners.
Focus of the GEMS method in Cameroon: At its core, the GEMS methodology has two main aims:
- Building M&E capacity among Project Implementation Units, government agencies, and WBG Task Teams to use the GEMS method sustainably, customized to their specific project needs. This is accompanied by ongoing technical support in terms of digital M&E and remote supervision provided to priority projects.
- Feeding granular data on the implementation of priority projects into a centralized supervision platform, to allow for remote real-time supervision and coordination of operations in FCV-affected areas through interactive maps, digital databases, and granular reports.
- Objective and Scope of Work: Support select priority projects in digital M&E and remote supervision
The FCV Group is looking to hire a short-term consultant (STC) to join the GEMS team and enhance digital M&E for select projects in Cameroon. The consultant will be based in Yaounde, Cameroon and fully embedded in the GEMS team, within the World Bank’s Fragility, Conflict and Violence Group. The consultant will work under the guidance of the GEMS Task Team Leader (TTL), the FCV Coordinator and in close coordination with the Cameroon CMU, and other GEMS colleagues in the region. The consultant will also closely work with other units of the WBG, in particular the Poverty Global Practice, the Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) team, and the Geospatial Operations Support Team (GOST).
A major objective will be to oversee the portfolio-wide implementation of the GEMS method by the client and Country Office/ CMU, for operational supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation, safeguards monitoring, and portfolio mapping. A major task will be to oversee the GEMS supervision system and implement the method across the WBG portfolio in Cameroon. In this regard, the STC will be responsible for setting up and managing the CMU’s digital data collection and analysis platform and conduct customized geospatial analysis, as well as training workshops according to the CMU’s needs. The focus will be to support operational M&E, Project Supervision, Environmental and Social risks/safeguards monitoring and further the mapping of the operational portfolios across the CMU. The consultant will also provide close support to ongoing and future work on territorial assessments and geo-mapping and directly assist the Operations Manager, Senior Operations Officer and Program Leaders of the CMU. This work will be performed under the guidance of the Country Office/CMU and the GEMS TTL.
The list of priority projects is subject to change and can be expanded based on changing priorities and dynamics on the ground.
The STC will be responsible for ongoing client support and quality control in terms of the effective application of GEMS for digital M&E and respective reporting to World Bank counterparts. Key tasks will include, among others, ensuring that (a) granular data on all relevant project indicators are collected in the field by clients and fed into a project-specific digital platform; (b) the project data is continuously cleaned and processed to allow for reporting against the projects’ results frameworks; (c) the respective project TTLs, the FCV Coordinator and the CMU are regularly briefed on project implementation as well as results achieved, risks encountered, and bottlenecks faced, through effective data flow and reports.
The consultant will also support the wider remote supervision agenda in Cameroon. The consultant will work with the GEMS team, the CMU, and a range of partners to explore and apply complementary field-appropriate ICT tools and procedures to improve remote supervision as well as effectiveness and accountability of operational engagement for the selected projects. The consultant will also ensure that GEMS is effectively leveraged for citizen engagement, beneficiary feedback, and grievance redress mechanisms, as needed. The above list is not exhaustive and may be extended during implementation of the activity. The performance of the consultant will be continuously evaluated based on the specific work program agreement with the Cameroon CMU. The CMU-specific work program will be provided to the consultant and the specific tasks in relation to the work program will be discussed in detail with the consultant.
- Deliverables
The selected STC will be responsible for the following main deliverables:
- Oversee the sustainable and qualitative application of the GEMS method for digital M&E across selected projects of focus and ensure that they gradually effectively apply the system.
- Conduct ongoing quality control on the use of GEMS for effective M&E by the projects.
- Provide hands-on training to Project Implementation Units on data collection and data management, including quality review, and data analysis.
- Keep track of project progress & success by comparing measured data with predefined targets.
- Document lessons learned from the application of GEMS for digital M&E within the selected Project Implementation Units to support the draft of a practical guide to support remote supervision.
- Support project teams in identifying needs for adaptive management when targets and measured data do not align.
- Co-deliver GEMS M&E capacity-building trainings toproject task teams and client Project Implementation Units and provide follow-up support to ensure that the system is leveraged effectively.Leverage GIS and geospatial analysis at the demand of the CMU and the project TTLs.
- Contribute to interactive dashboards and maps with GEMS-generated project data, as well as relevant external data with a spatial component (i.e. ACLED data, UNHCR refugee databases, etc.)
- Produce practical guidance material for the use of KoboToolbox and Power BI to enhance M&E of the selected projects.
- Contribute to a monthly briefing note on GEMS implementation by the selected projects.
- Regularly record and update statistical data on training participants and project-specific use cases of GEMS in a centrally provided database.
- Selection Criteria
The ideal candidate will have a primary expertise in M&E, FCV, GIS, ICT and digital data collection systems as well as an in-depth understanding of World Bank operations, policies and procedures. S/he will be familiar with ways in which technology can be applied to monitor projects and other dynamics on the ground and will meet the following selection criteria:
Core selection criteria (only candidates that fulfill all criteria listed here will be considered):
- Substantial experience in project M&E, incl. through digital tools, demonstrated through field experience.
- Fluency in French, enabling the consultant to conduct interactive technical training and to produce high-quality written outputs in French.
- Fluency in English, enabling the consultant to engage with colleagues at ease and provide briefing documents in English on a regular basis.
- Excellent communication skills, with an ability to adapt to an audience that is operational, but not necessarily knowledgeable of ICT issues.
- Master’s degree or PhD in either (i) engineering, geography, or computer science; or (ii) economics, development studies, international relations, public policy or a related field. In both cases, specific experience in using ICT to boost development effectiveness will be crucial.
- At least 5 years of experience in issues related to M&E, ICT, geospatial analysis or development/humanitarian work, with a clear demonstration of the ability to apply technologies for project M&E.
- Proven experience in using mobile data collection tools, such as KoboToolbox, ODK, ONA, SurveySolutions, SurveyCTO, etc. as well as dashboard software, such as Power BI and/or Tableau.
- Advanced GIS skills and proven experience with geospatial data and analysis (through PowerBI, ArcMap, QGIS, R, and/or Python).
Additional selection criteria:
- Ability to manage databases and large datasets.
- Experience working with household survey/census/ firm data is a plus.
- Experience contributing to and managing working partnerships with a diverse range of technical and operational teams, both within and between organizations.
- Knowledge of data analysis programs such as R, SPSS, Stata or Phyton is a plus.
- Strong knowledge of Bank operational policies and business practices.
- Demonstrated initiative, leadership skills, innovation and drive for results including ability to undertake a diversity of tasks within a rapidly changing and demanding environment.
- Advanced skills in MS office applications, in particular Excel and PowerPoint.
- Excellent workflow management skills and a proactive attitude.
- Solid understanding of FCV issues and travel experience to fragile states is preferred.
- Administrative Arrangements
The selected consultant will be contracted by the FCV Group for a period of 75 days with the possibility of an extension, at a fee to be negotiated with the supervisor. This will be a local contract in Cameroon. The Consultant will report to a Task Team Leader based in Washington, DC, USA. S/he will closely collaborate with the CMU, more specifically with the CMU’s FCV Country Coordinator, and the FCV Group colleagues based in the CMU. The Consultant will also interact with other WB initiatives such as the Geospatial Operational Support Team (GOST) based in Washington DC, and with other relevant teams, as needed.
The contract will comprise the Fiscal Year 2025 (until June 30, 2025). The consultant will be based in Yaounde, Cameroon, but can be requested to travel within the country and to other client countries in West Africa.
How to apply
Please send the application consisting of cover letter and CV to [email protected]
Subject line « GEMS STC – Cameroon »
Application deadline is Monday, February 24
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